Brinkerhoff Family History Blog

The purpose of this blog was initially for a class of mine at BYU. Now, it is a source of genealogical information for the Brinkerhoff Family. I update it occasionally and use the information frequently because of my love for genealogy!

Take a look around. And thank you for visiting!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Journals/Life Histories

I've been thinking a lot about the importance of journals and life histories lately.

My grandma, Billie Brinkerhoff, just moved out of my aunt's home into an assisted living home, she is 90. This past August 09, we had a family reunion in which all of her descendants attended... over 75 people. It was an amazing testimony to me of the importance of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives and that all 75 of us will be able to live together forever as eternal families because of the covenants we have made in temples of the Lord.

At this family reunion, Grandma Billie, gave each of her children and grandchildren a copy of her life history that she has been working on for a while now.

I have learned so much about my grandmother through her life history, because she took the time to write memories down and preserve her past. I learned a lot about my grandfather, Mark Brinkerhoff, who died when I was three. I never really knew him, but I feel like I do because of stories, journal entries and life histories from him and other people.

I wouldn't know these stories or anything about my grandfather had he not kept a journal and had my grandmother not written in down in his life history.

I know I can be better about keeping a journal so that one day, my grandchildren can read about me, the events that occurred in my life, experiences I had, trials and achievements. That's kind of how I feel about Pierce's and my personal blog, one day we will get it printed out and keep it as a history of our life together. Until then, I need to keep writing in my journal daily. Who knows whose life I will touch or what words will inspire!